
There was once a time when the Indian Share Market followed the open outcry system where the investors had to make themselves physically present in order to carry out the buying and selling of shares. In that era, everything used to be on papers and the trading of shares could only be done in physical form i.e., with the help of the physical share certificate which was used as a proof of ownership of physically transferred shares.

With our ever-evolving technology, this process of physical trading of shares became out-dated and redundant. Gradually, this process got overshadowed by the new trends of online trading and got replaced by the technology-backed trading platforms. Now the Indian stock market has evolved to offer better features and ease of trading through online platforms.

Now, as per the new regulations laid down by the governing board i.e., Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has made it mandatory for the investors to convert their shares and securities in Demat form in order to continue investing, buying or selling of shares. These reforms in the stock market have taken place in order to ensure a smooth and efficient way of trading with the shares viz-a-viz has made it easy for the authorities to maintain a true account of all the transfers of shares.

However, not everyone holds a Demat Account. Some people are still the owners of physical shares. As it is compulsory for all the investors to hold shares in Demat form in order to continue investing and trading, the shift in trends has raised a question that “How can the investors convert their physical shares into Demat form?”

To understand the process of Conversion / Dematerialization of Shares better, we should first take look at some important terms:

Dematerialization refers to a process by which physical share certificates of a particular company are converted into an electronic format.

When physical shares are converted into Demat form, then they are held in electronic form. In order to hold them in electronic form, there is a requirement to open a depository account, i.e. called as a Demat Account.

A depository participant (DP) is an agent of the depository through which the Demat Account is made, maintained and operated. A DP acts as a middle-men between the account holder and the depository. Any financial service provider, like banks, state financial corporations, stock-brokers, NBFC, etc., can get themselves registered as a DP.

A depository in an entity that holds securities like shares, debentures, bonds, government securities, mutual fund units etc. of the investors in electronic form on behalf of the investors or security holders. For instance, in India, there are two depositories named National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CSDL) that are registered with SEBI.


  1. The first step is to open the Demat Account in the depository registered with SEBI with the help of Depository Participant (DP) by submitting the application form and other KYC documents.
  2. Thereafter, the investor/shareholder will be obligated to read and sign the terms of agreement mentioning the rights of potential account holder and the DP along with the scheduled charges for the same. A Demat account number will be provided and the Demat Account will be opened.
  3. Once the Demat Account has been opened, the investor has to send a form called the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF) along with his physical share certificate of the company to the Depository Participant (DP). In cases where the investor holds physical shares of more than one company, then he must submit physical share certificates of all the companies along with a completed DRF form for each of the companies.
  4. The DP will check and verify the completeness and veracity of all the documents submitted by the Investor. Meanwhile, a Dematerialisation Request Number (DRN) will be issued to the investor as an acknowledgment receipt till the time DP verifies his documents.
  5. After verifying the documents, DP will send the request of dematerialisation to the company of which the share-holder wants to get his shares converted to Demat format.
  6. After the approval, the physical shares will be converted to Demat form. Thereafter, the physical shares will be destroyed for the purpose of avoiding misuse or duplicity.
  7. Once the physical shares are dematerialised, the monetary value of the physical shares will be credited to the Demat Account which can, later, be used for buying or selling with the ease of online trading.

After following the above-mentioned steps, the Physical share certificates will be said to be converted to Demat format.

The team of experts at GLC Wealth will help you dematerialize your physical shares. Even if your shares have been transferred to IEPF, our team of experts will help you reclaim your shares from IEPF. We can help you in resolving all issues related to physical shares like:

  • Name mismatch
  • Address Change
  • Bonus share & splits
  • Name Deletion
  • Transfer of share
  • Transmission of shares
  • Issue of duplicate share certificates
  • Issue of fresh shares due to Mergers & demergers
  • Change in the name of company

One of the major issues faced by investors is that they do not have the share certificates or have lost the share certificates. In case of loss of share certificates there is a process for issue of duplicate shares certificates that has to be followed.

  • Lodging a formal complaint (FIR) with the police
  • Getting Newspaper advertisement
  • Provide an affidavit for loss of share certificates
  • Provide an indemnity bond for loss of shares along with signature of witnesses and sureties.
  • For Sureties one needs to provide self attested copy of PAN card, address proof and income proof
  • After ascertaining all the documentary requirements, the Company / Registrar shall issue Duplicate Share Certificates or letter of confirmation


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