Common Mistakes in IEPF Form 5 and Documents Required for IEPF Claim
Common mistakes made while filing IEPF Form 5 :
- The name of the applicant does not match the PAN database.
- The date of birth of the applicant does not match the PAN database.
- PAN No. not verified.
- Wrong Aadhar Card No. filled in the form.
- Wrong passport and OCI /PIO card details in case of foreign citizens.
- Whether Rule 7 of IEPF Rules is applicable or not is wrongly selected. It is to be selected as “Yes” in case the original shareholder is deceased
- Rule 7 is wrongly selected as “Yes” in case of deletion of name cases. In the case of a joint holding if one of the joint holders has passed away it is only a case of “Name deletion” and does not get covered under IEPF (7)
- Details of the name of the original security holder (deceased shareholder) and their beneficiary were wrongly mentioned.
- Wrong folio number or numbers of folios filled in the form.
- No. of shares wrongly filled in the form.
- Wrong dividend details filled in the form which have been transferred to IEPF.
- The wrong financial year was filled in the form.
- Wrong bank account or demat account details filled in the form. The Bank account should be the one that is linked to the demat account.
- Wrong attachments or absence of compulsory attachments.
Documents required while filing IEPF Form 5:
- Self-attested copy of Aadhar card & PAN Card.
- Cancelled cheque leaf.
- Client master list of the demat account self-attested by the claimant and attested by the DP.
- Entitlement Letter from the Company / Original Share Certificates.
- Transmission documents like succession certificates or probate of will, death certificates of the shareholders, surety documents, etc., if applicable.
- Documents related to the issue of duplicate shares, if applicable.
- Affidavit for name mismatch /address mismatch, if applicable.
Documents to be Submitted to the Nodal Officer of the Company after filing IEPF Form 5
- Printout of duly filled IEPF form 5 along with signatures of the applicant and joint holders, if applicable, on all the pages.
- Self-attested SRN acknowledgment.
- Indemnity bond with applicable stamp paper, self-attested by the claimant and duly witnessed and dated.
- Advance stamped receipt bearing the revenue stamp (cross-signed), self-attested by the claimant along with signatures of the witnesses and dated.
- Letter from Registrar and Share Transfer Agent which has been verified by the Nodal officer to be used as a Proof of Entitlement.
- Original certificates of the shares and investments, if held in the physical form, or a copy of a transaction statement if held in the digital form as proof of ownership of investments. In case original share certificates are lost, documents submitted to RTA for the issue of duplicate shares need to be attached.
- Copy of passport and OCI / PIO card in case of foreign citizens.
- All the documents are attached to the IEPF Form.
- All other supporting documents submitted to the company for a name change, address change, signature change, issue of duplicate shares Certificate, etc.